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Einträge zur Thematik Allgemeine Lexik (1197 статей)
pravila o javnoj nabavi public procurement rules
pravilna razdioba smooth distribution
Pravilnik o osoblju Staff Regulations
Pravilnik o osoblju Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities and the Conditions of Employment of other servants of the European Communities
Pravilnik o osoblju Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union and the Conditions of Employment of other servants of the Union
pravni akt EU legal act of the Union
pravni akt EU legal act
preambula preamble
pregovaračka smjernica negotiating directive
pregovarački okvir negotiating box
prekogranična policijska suradnja cross-border police cooperation
prekogranični promet otpada transboundary movement
prekogranični promet otpada transboundary movement of waste
presuđena stvar res judicata
prethodna (informacijska) obavijest pre-information notice
prethodna (informacijska) obavijest prior information notice
pretpristupna pomoć pre-accession aid
pretpristupna pomoć pre-accession assistance
pretpristupna pomoć pre-accession funding
pretpristupno razdoblje pre-accession period